If you ever run out of inspiration for new ideas for articles to publish on your site, check out the following 10 tips. These will help you publish engaging content even without creative ideas. Today’s article loosely follows on from the recently published 33 tips for creating interesting types of content .
1. Link to other sites
If you don’t have an idea for your own content, you can find great foreign articles on other sites and link to them in your summary article. It is sufficient to briefly comment on these links in a few sentences, or write down why you included these sources in your summary. It can even bec poland whatsapp number data ome a tradition, for example once a week, as for example Zdeněk does on linki.cz with Sunday Reading.
2. Inform about news
If you follow what’s happening in your field, you often don’t even have to come up with too many topics and can rather focus on commenting on news, current news and events. If you are fast and persistent enough, you will definitely be noticed by visitors who will start coming back to your site regularly so that they do not miss the next news.
3. Do the interview
Find an interesting person in your area or field that you would like to ask a few questions. Record the responses and publish them as a new post on your site with permission. Interviews are popular content that many people enjoy reading.
4. Respond to another article
Even if you don’t have an idea for the next article, you can find a recently published topic on another website and comment on the author’s content or opinion. You can start video follows the mobile trend an interesting debate and draw attention to your interesting content.
5. Answer the question
Browse online discussions related to your industry or recall the last questions your customers asked you. You can answer selected questions publicly on your site. It is lik spam data ely that more people will have the same question. When someone asks the same thing again, just refer them to your post.
6. Recycle content
Use content you’ve already created to publish new content. You can create an article from a video or audio recording. Another possibility is, for example, to describe the content of the infographic or image in text. With a new article, you often target new visitors with the same information. And a new article is born. We wrote about this method, the so-called content repurposing, in a recent article.