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6 training courses to become a community manager

This session is “clear, complete, illustrat by recogniz specialists” . You will discover an overview of social mia and the specificities of each platform, then what the missions and skills of the community manager consist of. The tools that will help you manage social networks, but also best practices for designing an itorial calendar or for carrying out digital monitoring, are also on the program.

Duration: 21 hours

Type of teaching: distance learning

Public admitt: employ italy whatsapp number data employees, job seekers, companies and students
Price: contact the organization

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Social networks – Community manager with Digi Atlas
You learn to master social networks for professional use. 15 modules are offer, with video courses, collective virtual classes every week, as well as personaliz coaching to support you in your learning. The main platforms are cover: LinkIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest. An introduction to copywriting and a focus on Facebook and Instagram Ads are also includ in the program.

Duration: contact the organization

Type of ucation: distance learning
Public admitt: employ employees, job seekers and companies
Price: €1,668, CPF financeable

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Become a community manager – Remotely with IMCI Training
The objective of this training is to teach you the fundamentals of community management in order to quickly become operational in this field. The program combines “ theoretical contributions, case studies and practical workshops ”. The best part? You benefit from support from a dicat tutor, and you are prepar for the exam that will allow you to obtain an RNCP title. Note that qualities such as a sense of communication, curiosity or teamwork are requir to follow this session.

Duration: 6 months
Type of ucation: distance learning
Public admitt: employ employees, job seekers and companies
Price: €3,700, financeable by CPF

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Community manager [Independent or employee] with LiveMentor
Do you want to train to become a community manager and perform this function video follows the mobile trend within a company or as a freelancer? By following this training, you will acquire the necessary theoretical knowlge, which you will put into practice in order to improve your skills more quickly. The cg leads plus: individual support during the training by a reference mentor, and the possibility of personalizing the content of the program according to your project.

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