Not using WordPress yet? Millions of users around the world entrust their websites to this editorial system. Thanks to an abundance of extensions and templates, WordPress is very customizable and can run almost any website, from a simple company presentation to an e-shop. In this article, I want to introduce you to 8 extensions (plugins) that will definitely come in handy when working with WordPress.
At the same time, these are not plugins that contain unnecessary ballast and just reduce the website’s performance. I myself am a supporter of the fact that there should be as few plugins as possible on WordPress sites. That’s why I develop my own templates and use as few plugins as possible.
1. Limit Login Attempts Reloaded
Simple protection against brute-force attempts to break into your site’s administration. I already wrote about this extension on Interval, so you can take a look. Anyone who takes security at least a little bit seriously should use this plugin.
2. SVG Support
If you need to upload graphics in SVG format on the website, typically for example various logos, then you need to use this plugin, thanks to which you will be able to upload SVG files directly to the WordPress library. Without this extension, SVG images cannot be uploaded at all, or you cannot see their preview.
3. WPS Hide Login
Almost everyone knows that the default admin login page is hidden at wp-login.php or wp-admin . You can reduce the risk of your site being hacked by poland phone number data changing this default login address to something more secret. You can use the aforementioned plugin, which I also mentioned in one of my articles .
4. HTML Forms
Most of you on the web probably use the Contact Form producing very long videos 7 plugin for contact forms. If you don’t know it, I recommend you try the HTML Forms plugin, which is noticeably simpler and, for my use, much better.
The plugin is more suitable for advanced users, coders or programmers, because you do not set the form fields in any visual editor, but use the HTML code you created. This is great in a situation where you get the HTML code of a template that you are linking to WordPress. You take by lists the entire form code, throw it into this plugin and that’s it, you don’t have to worry about anything else! At the appropriate place on the website, you write the form using shortcodes.