The original customer service robot is difficult to identify the true intention of customers and . Cannot associate context at present our customer service applications and solutions have covered the entire . Line of yums business the peak daily call volume of big models has reached millions . And the problem resolution rate of customer service robots has increased to in the era . Of big models yum brands also needs to build a secure and reliable big model . Service area to meet the aigc application needs of various brands and business lines therefore .
We Provide Yum Brands With Qianfan Platform
We provide yum brands with qianfan platform wenxin speed model basic cloud computing service etc . To build a complete and highquality malaysia email list big model base capability to help yum brands develop . And deploy ai applications more conveniently in addition we are working with yum brands to . Combine asr tts big models and digital human technologies to jointly verify the ability to . Create big model ordering on the ordering screen in the future we will continue to . Cooperate and explore various possibilities such as enterprise digitalization and intelligent transformation the next example .
Is a Representative of the Internet Industry
Is a representative of the internet industry zhaopin is a leading recruitment platform in china . The main job of a recruitment platform is to match the right people to the . Right positions in the past this work was largely done manually manually can identify its funnel and labeling positions manually . Screening massive resumes and manually analyzing job seekers conversations it was not only timeconsuming and . Laborintensive but also difficult to guarantee the effect and there were often omissions and mismatches . Baidu and zhaopin cooperated to reconstruct this core link using big models through natural language .
Dialogue Combined With the Job Description It
Dialogue combined with the job description it can quickly draw an accurate matching portrait for . Job seekers and jobs and automatically bzb directory answer questions about working hours salary and benefits and . Work location that job seekers care about and even help arrange interviews it not only . Recommends suitable positions for job seekers but also helps employers accurately screen out the talents . They need significantly improving the recruitment efficiency and quality of employers at present baidu and . Zhaopin have successfully cooperated to precipitate a series of prompt word templates which have been .