Marketing mix , you ne to understand what your customers’ pain points are and what they do throughout the day.
The ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) concept was develop by Google’s Director of Sales and Services Jim Lecinski. It was creat with the aim of understanding what happens before consumers make a purchase decision.
ZMOT was bas on the results of extensive research carri out by the company and it was discover that this is the moment when the consumer picks up their cell phone or computer and searches for a product or service on the internet.
However, it is not unique and does not occur out of nowhere
There are other steps that comprise this process:
Stimulus: this is when the denmark email list customer has their first contact with the brand;
ZMOT: time of first survey;
FMOT (first moment of truth): is the moment when an action is perform (purchase, filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.);
SMOT (second moment of truth): this is when the customer experiences the brand’s product or service and establishes a relationship;
UMOT (last moment of truth): at this stage, the customer is loyal and begins to promote your brand spontaneously or with encouragement.
ZMOT is the basis for establishing an effective unbound marketing strategy, as each of its stages uses inbound and outbound marketing techniques together, aiming to stimulate discovery and convert it into sales.
Neuromarketing theories and strategy
According to neuromarketing the hoster must check the complaint and restrict access to the site to the fraudster theories, human beings gravitate towards that which increases their social capital (status), that which connects them with something, that which deepens their experience and, above all, that which afb directory saves them time.
Through social mia, you will encourage your potential customers to begin a journey of discovery that will possibly lead them to make a purchase or make a decision.