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This kind of productivity not only achieves

This kind of productivity not only achieves efficiency goals, but also helps individuals stay engaged and motivated at work. The first step in Kelly’s productivity roadmap is to redefine. “A lot of people talk about work by saying, ‘I have to go to work,’ ” she said. But this simple statement often frames work as a negative endeavor. Kelly encourages everyone to rethink the way they work. Think about what you can do. — What do you love about your workplace and the work you accomplish. “Adjust your attitude and mindset.

I’m going to work today to help

Fulfill the government’s mission,’ ” Kelly encourages. This approach will not only help you reframe an integral part of your day as positive, but it will also encourage colleagues to view it in an equally exciting way. “Be very intentional about defining your ‘goals,’ which will impact your productivity and that of others,” Kelly says. Clarity Once you’ve found what excites you about your job, get clear on what success looks like.

You can’t measure anything if you don’t

Set clear benchmarks,” Kelly says. “Once you have clarity, you have to stay focused. The first thing you should clarify in the workplace is overseas chinese in australia your job description. What are the goals you must achieve in your position? After you’ve made those goals clear in conversations with your boss and co-workers, create a yearly plan to achieve them.

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I know it sounds obvious,

Kelly says. “But the clearer you are to yourself and your team, the more direct you can be. You’ll be less likely to let other things — new the 10 most popular programming languages ​​and their uses initiatives, new tasks — sneak in to distract you. ” To ensure you’re moving forward with your clear goals, Kelly recommends prioritizing each task every day based on the clear objectives you’ve set for yourself and your team. If a task or effort doesn’t align with your clear goals, it needs to be reconsidered or abandoned.

Kelly recommends regularly communicating

Progress on your action plan (both to yourself and your team) to highlight successes and identify distractions. Focus Regular com tg data munication is an integral part of Kelly’s third step, focus. Set reminders and check-ins to make sure you’re staying focused on your productivity goals. Kelly also recommends creating a focus word that embodies your goal. Something like, “Yes! ” or “Breathe” to focus your intention.

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