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8 reasons why I don’t read your blog

Having a blog and then seeing that no one actually reads your posts can be quite frustrating. There are a number of reasons why no one shows much interest in your content. Here are my 8 reasons why I don’t read your blog.

Reasons why I don’t read your blog

1. Lack of promotion: If you have a blog but you don’t promote it properly to your target audience they will never know about you. Choose the right channels and promote your content.

2. Duplicate content: I’m not interested in reading what has already been published on other blogs. I want to know your own point of view. Don’t copy and paste third party content into your blog. Google doesn’t like it either.

3. Unprofessional design: The appearance bahrain phone number library of your blog is key to creating a good first impression. If your design is unprofessional you don’t create trust which will be reflected in a high bounce rate.

phone number library

No photo

The photo inside a post is like an anchor. It helps you keep visitors a moment longer because before moving on to the content their of ppc agency in dubai attention will go to the visual element. In my case I usually use photos (if available) that are related to the content and/or contain the title.

5. You don’t link between posts: I like to cross-read between different posts. Don’t deal with totally separate topics. Give me the opportunity to read the arguments you mention in detail and don’t leave me alone with open questions.

6. Lack of structure: Blogs are no aol email list longer read, they are scanned. If you don’t “design” your posts by giving them an adequate structure, you take away the opportunity for your readers to quickly get an idea of ​​the content of your post. Don’t count on your visitors’ patience.

You don’t make yourself known

when you have a blog you have to expose yourself. I want to know your story. Why are you telling me what you’re writing? Can I trust what you’re telling me?

8. Lack of authenticity: when I read your posts it seems to me that you’re telling me what I want to hear. Challenge me! Dare to have a different opinion and receive criticism for it.

I look forward to reading your blog. Let’s see if we can do it soon.

You don’t link between posts: I like to cross-read between different posts. Don’t deal with totally separate topics. Give me the opportunity to read the arguments you mention in detail and don’t leave me alone with open questions.

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