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10 Tips for Creating Content That Saves on Delicious

To get your readers to bookmark your posts on sites like Delicious you have to write something that they like. Creating interesting content is possible for anyone who wants to. Many people are held back from starting a blog because they are afraid they have nothing interesting to share. Even if you don’t consider yourself very creative, you have the potential within you to write excellent posts one day.

Creating content that is saved on Delicious

Don’t be held back by fear, dare to fail. The worst thing that can happen is that no one will ever read your first posts. Here are my tips on how to create content for your blog that is saved on Delicious.

1. Trial and error: a Japanese proverb says “fall down seven and get up eight.” Nobody (or very few) is able to get it right from the start. The important thing is not to get there, it’s to be on the way.

2. Writing bad posts: it’s not that you’re doing it on purpose. But compared to the posts I write now, the first ones were much worse. They have helped me learn what I need to improve (and still have to improve).

3. Write a lot: one of the keys is practice. Start azerbaijan phone number library writing, write more over time and then double your effort. With each post you will improve.

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“Copy” and/or transfer ideas:

many of my posts are inspired by other blogs I read. I never copy an idea 100%, sometimes it is only a few elements that help me take the idea of ​​a post and transfer it to my topic.

5. Read your readers’ blogs: whether ai in programming: how to use github copilot (part 1) a post is interesting or not is decided by your readers. You have to know what interests them. If you find a link to a reader’s blog (e.g. through the comments you receive) take the opportunity to find out what they aol email list write about and the topics that interest them.

6. Practice being creative: you don’t have to be an artist to be creative. There are many techniques to trigger the creativity within you.

7. Ask for and listen to feedback: a very simple way to improve your posts and make them more interesting is to ask the opinion of the people around you. You will discover details that will make a difference in your future posts.

Chase luck:

keep in mind that sometimes luck has a lot to do with creating interesting content. Maybe a topic of current interest, new trends in opinion, technological developments, etc. gives you the key and when writing it you didn’t take these factors into account. Luck is something that can be provoked by writing and publishing many posts.

9. Ask before writing: the people who follow me on Twitter already know this. In many cases I usually ask if an idea I have for a post could be interesting. They are the ones who will judge whether a post is interesting or not. Listen to them!

10. Don’t look for the perfect post: just as there is no ideal blogger, there is no perfect post either. You can get close to it, but you will never get there. The only thing you can do is have the ambition to keep learning.

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