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Advantages and disadvantages of inter authors

Content creators are the foundational building blocks of your content marketing team . Therefore, it is important to carefully select the right authors to contribute to your site. You can find these people among your current colleagues and employees of your company, or outside your organization. If you are determin to get outside help, read our article on how to properly select new writers for your website . But if you don’t know what is better for you – an in-house writer or external help –  read this article, which will help you decide where to find suitable writers.


Internal authors

Internal content creators include your co-workers, or people who work at your company and would be interest in devoting part of their work time (or even all of th spain whatsapp number data eir time) to writing content for your site. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of outsourcing your content marketing to in-house writers:


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Benefits of in-house writers
They know your business well  – In-house writers know what your company’s mission is, who its customers are, what their problems are, and what your company’s opportunities are.
They know their field  – A big advantage especially for companies that deal with professional work or activities in which few people are real experts. You don’t ne to explain much to such authors and you don’t ne to teach them.
You know them  – You know how to work with them, whether they what does cro mean in marketing and why is it so important?  are reliable and meet deadlines. We can only assume that with an unknown external author. If your co-worker is already experienc in the corporate environment, you know what you’re getting into.
You have direct contact with them  – Even if it doesn’t seem li uk data ke it, personal contact in the office is also a big advantage. If you ne to quickly comment on a new article, offer an impulse on a new topic, or ask for a small it, you can often do it more easily than if the author is many kilometers away from you.

Disadvantages of internal authors

They don’t have time  – Co-workers are usually busy. They have to get their work done, and in many companies they don’t have time to write. If this situation also happens to you, it is necessary to determine a part of the working time of the collaborators, which will be reserv for the creation of content for the website. You don’t want content to be creat under time pressure at the expense of quality.
They lack talent  – ​​Not all, but many of your co-workers lack talent, or at least average writing ability. Not everyone is born a writer, and maybe your co-workers just won’t be good at this activity.

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