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Branding: How to build your company’s visual identity?

Juan Pablo Vittori
Juan Pablo Vittori
Freelance Online Marketing Writer and Consultant. First-time father  accurate mobile phone number list with a keen interest in music and railroads.

Wrote 30 posts


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visual identity

Here is the third post in our Branding guide!

In it, we will explain the elements that make up a brand’s visual or corporate identity . You will also learn what a brand manual is and what are the main corporate materials it includes. This is getting interesting!

Our series of articles on branding has reached its third post, excellent! In the previous installments, we gave you the keys to defining the name of your company and then to design your logo . Do you remember? As we have already told you, both elements are part of the corporate identity of your brand whose main objective is to visually represent the values ​​of your company through different elements , both physical and digital.

Below we will give you some tips to help you define your brand more clearly, as well as develop a brand manual and choose the corporate materials that best suit your needs. Take note!

Defining Your Brand’s Visual Identity
The process of building a corporate identity can be somewhat chaotic if  cnb directory you don’t work on it in an orderly manner , so that it is reflected in all its parts and you get
What are the main characteristics that define your produ globig’s weekly world wrap-up ct or service? What are the main stages of its production process ?

Target Market
What is the target market you are targeting with your product or service? Do you specialize in any niche ?

Mission, Vision, Values ​​and Beliefs
What is your company’s mission, vision and values ? What are the beliefs that make up the essence of your brand? If your brand were a person .

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