Call for papers of the 19th International Conference on Innovation and Research in Engineering Sciences
The 19th International Conference on Innovation and Research in Engineering Sciences will be held on Thursday, December 15, 1403 by the International Academy of Sciences and Studies of Georgia. Students and those interested in this field are invite to submit their articles according to the main themes of the conference by December 10.
Conference themes:
Electrical Engineering,
Engineering, Medical Engineering,
, Mechanical Engineering
, Civil Engineering,
, Urban Planning Engineering
, Agricultural Engineering,
Air and Space
Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
, Petroleum
Engineering, Information Technology Engineering,
Mining Engineering
, Industrial Engineering,
MOBILE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES IN ACADEMIC LIBRARIES: AN OVERVIE. Anything can be done quickly and in a certain way, and mobile phones are just as useful for library services. The World Wide Web and digital libraries have revolutionized how to build phone number list the way we access and search for information. Web search engines have come a long way, and mobile phone technology has become an essential part of our daily lives.
That’s why libraries in developed economies are taking advantage of the mobile phone revolution to provide efficient and effective services. It’ll be super easy to access information via mobile, and it’ll also be cost-effective. Plus, it’ll have a big impact on learning by creating a rich, interactive, and conversational experience.
Libraries are no exception, and modern technology has made it easier to store, process, retrieve, and spread information. Libraries are no different when it comes to storing, processing, retrieving, and disseminating information. Of course, modern technology has greatly improved the ability to manage the exponential increase of information efficiently. Telecommunication technology is evolving at a rapid pace. Wireless communication standards and capabilities are rapidly evolving across the entire spectrum. Mobile technology has expanded greatly and now libraries are experimenting with it.
Other Fields
This research paper deals with the basic mobile technology concepts and their services in academic libraries.KEYWORD: Mobile Technology, Mobile Library Service, Academic libraries, Mobile phones, Services.REFERENCE SERVICESome Libraries are providing “ask librarian” services, which are suitable for straightforwar queries that can be answer concisely. Reference services can be provide through the transmission and receipt of SMS, as well as telegram for customer service immediate feedback from the user.NEWS AND EVENTSMobile devices can be utilize to provide users with up-to-date information on job vacancies, different types of scholarly competitions, library events, such as orientations programs, stock checks, book recalls, lectures on specific topics, and news related to scholarly work, awards, etc.
Architectural Engineering
Short notifications regarding the library event and news can also be sent to users in person.NEW ARRIVALMobile technology can be utilized to disseminate information regarding newly purchased books, journal lists, or scanne cover crawler data pages of that document.THE BENEFITS OF USING M-TECHNOLOGY FOR LIBRARY SERVICESThese are relatively affordable options, as the price of mobile devices is substantially lower than that of personal computers and laptops.Multimedia content delivery and certain options.
Mechatronic Engineering
Support for ongoing and situational learningCost of training is declining.Possibly a more fruitful educational experience.It is versatile, user-friendly, and visually simulative. A variety of educational activities that offer a mix learning environment where students can study in a variety of ways and forms. User interfaces that are very engaging and attractive. Encourages the learner to interact with the course material. Compare to phone calls or emails, SMS can be utilize to communicate information to faculty and students more swiftly and easily.