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Data-Backed reasons to use or avoid them

Unsure whether using emojis in cold emails will spark interest and get replies, or get your campaigns sent to the trash instead?

We analyzed millions of cold emails to find the answer for you.

In this article, you’ll get the data on emojis in bulk mail masters cold emails, basd on an in-depth analysis of millions of lemlist cold outreach campaigns.

Is it OK to use emojis in business emails?


bulk mail masters

It is fine to use emojis in business and cold emails, as long as they’re tailord to your subject and target audience.

When usd right, emojis boost engagement with your message.

When  incorrectly, you come off as overly familiar or unprofessional.

It’s a slippery slope.

Let’s jump into whether using emojis is the right outreach technique for you.

Here’s what the data says:

Out of the millions of lemlist cold email campaigns we analyzd, emails with emojis get 13% fewer replies than emails without them.

But that doesn’t mean that you should give up on emojis altogether!

Should you use emojis in your cold email subject lines?

Similar to using emojis in the body of your emails, adding emojis to your cold email subject lines can go both ways.

Either they will draw that need to be considered prospects’ eyes, add personality, and drive clicks, or they will turn people away.

It’s all about how you use them.

Here’s what the data says about it:

Adding emojis to your subject line can result in 6% lower open rates:

How can you use emojis in cold emails?

Should you be using emojis to connect with prospects? Let’s find out.

When using an emoji you want it to represent exactly what you are conveying as to create anticipation and set the tone without even reading the message.

Creating urgency You can use emojis to signify the clock is ticking, or to be quick to catch the offer you have on the table, etc.

Does the channel you’re using affect the use of emojis?


Let’s be honest here, each channel holds it’s own implications.

Reaching out via email can be a more formal crawler data approach (again, depending on your area and context), so in certain occasions using emojis could be wildly inappropriate.

However, if you reach out via LinkedIn you could have more  and flexibility with the use of emojis.

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