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Description tag and how to fill it correctly

This not only attracts users’ attention, but also allows search engines to understand what your page is about. Example of tag: title Рецепты вкусных блюд — Кулинарный сайт title The title tag content is the first thing users see in search results, so it should be attractive and accurate. Pay attention to keywords, length, uniqueness, and informativeness of the title to improve the visibility and clickability of your pages.

Description meta tag is a short description of the page content

Which is also display in search results. It should be no longer than 160 characters and contain keywords. For example: “Find out the best female number data recipes on our website! Simple and delicious ideas for every day.” Correctly filling in this meta tag can improve the clickability of your link. Example of tag: meta name “description” content “Узнайте лучшие рецепты блюд на нашем сайте! Простые и вкусные идеи на каждый день” The description tag creates the first impression on users.

special data

Make it attractive and informative – check the length

Uniqueness, presence of keywords. Robots tag and how to fill it correctly The robots meta tag controls how search engines index your page. If you want ensuring consistent time periods and date ranges to prevent a page from being index or follow, use the “noindex” or “nofollow” commands. For example: meta name “robots” content “noindex, nofollow” This is something to keep in mind if you don’t want certain pages to appear in search results. Proper use of the meta name “robots” tag will help you optimize your site’s visibility and avoid unnecessary page indexing. How to add meta tags to a website Meta tags are typically plac inside the head section of your HTML document.

For example: !DOCTYPE html html lang “ru” head meta charset

UTF-8″ meta name “viewport” content “width device-width, initial-scale 1.0” title Наименование вашей страницы title !–  — head body h1 h1 body buying house b html Adding meta tags to your website is quite simple: If your website is static, open the desir HTML file in a text itor (such as Notepad++, Sublime Text, or VS Code); If your website is dynamic (e.g. bas on a CMS like WordPress), you may ne to access the control panel or it theme files. Then you ne to insert the necessary meta tags into the head section.

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