Backing up sites should be a matter of course. Most web hosts do this work at least partially for you, but the frequency of backups is not high and restoring backups is sometimes charged. A simple solution is to use a WordPress extension called UpdraftPlus . It is free in its basic version and I believe it is sufficient for most users.
The main advantage of this
Extension is that the backup is stored externally outside the web hosting, which is useful in case of a virus attack on the website singapore phone number data or in case of a crash of the web hosting. It is always better to have a separate backup, dare I say ideally geographically as well.
Plugin installation
Download and activate the following plugin . After activation, the wizard guides you through the settings. I will show you the most important things in this article.
Click on the highlighted BACKUP NOW button, which will redirect you to the settings tab for this extension.
Backup frequency settings
In the first part of the page, the backup frequency is set. You can only use the plugin for manual backups, but I recommend automatic backups.
The first option ( File backup schedule ) refers to the frequency of backup of WordPress files, i.e. plugins, WordPress core or uploaded files or images. Backing up a larger site can take up a lot of space, so think wisely about how many backups you really need. In this video follows the mobile trend example, I have chosen a weekly backup frequency and I want to keep a total of 3 backups (second box – right). For less active sites, a weekly backup seems sufficient to me. The amount of backups depends on your storage capacity (which we’ll get to later).
The second option ( Database backup schedule ) refers to the frequency of database backups. Therefore, all written articles, comments, site settings, registered users by lists and so on. Here I recommend setting the backup frequency more often. I chose daily backup and want to keep a total of 14 backups.