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Error not taking into account the sound in different

In the internet age, your domain is your virtual address. “Skyhightech” sounded great until we discovered it was already taken. Check your domain availability to avoid future problems.
Mistake 6: ignoring the trademark would be a disaster, right? Using names that are already trademarked can lead to serious legal problems. Always check trademarks.

Mistake too long or complicated for social media

In the world of twitter and employment data instagram, your name needs to be short and witty. is overkill. Think of a name that will be easy to use on social media.
Mistake 8: ignoring the international perspective
When we named our service “Bravó”, we didn’t think that in spain this word is associated with applause. Think about how your name will be perceived in different countries.

Mistake forgetting about sound

“Qikfix” sounded good, but what is an information request and how to work with it effectively customers often said “Kickfix.” make sure your name doesn’t sound confusing.
Mistake 10: too trendy or temporary
Trends come and go. When we named our startup “Yeetyourmeat”, we didn’t think about the fact that trendy words quickly become outdated. Choose a name that will always be relevant.

Mistake using difficult to spell words

was creative, but clients crawler data often made mistakes when writing it. Simplicity is the key to success.
“Glück” means “Luck” in german, but in english it sounds like “Gluck”.

Mistake the name is too literal

“Buybooksonline” is too straightforward and leaves no room for growth. Your name should be flexible and scalable.
Ubertech” sounds cool, but “Uber” is. Already taken. Make sure your name is unique and won’t cause confusion with existing brands.

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