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How to find out what hosting a website is hosted on

Conclusion Knowing what engine a certain website was built on can be useful for analyzing competitors, choosing a technology for your project, and ensuring the security and optimization of a web resource. Now you know how to determine a CMS manually and online using automatic tools. If you want to know what hosting a site uses to store its data, there is a reason for that: a competitor’s web resource is always at the top of search results and you want the same, someone is violating your copyright and you ne to urgently file a complaint with their host.

Whatever the reason

It is important to correctly identify the server storing the site’s files and the company that owns it. In this article, we will look at the main ways chinese australia to identify a host. Let’s get start ! Why you ne to know what hosting your site is on Determining the hosting provider of a particular site is of interest to users in specific situations: The project owner is looking for a reliable hosting provider.

special data

During the site audit, it turn out that the competitors’ project

Is similar to yours, but has higher uptime, web page loading spe and content response rates. It ranks better for regional search queries. In other goals and conversions tracking words, all other things being equal (semantic core, site structure, design adaptability, engine, etc.), it outperforms your project in terms of hosting-dependent characteristics.

You want to transfer the site to the same productive and reliable server

The content author is looking for an addressee bulk lead to whom he can contact with a request to block the plagiarist. If your texts and illustrations periodically appear on someone else’s portal, you ne to stop the thief as soon as possible. There is a possibility that someone else’s site is more trust and will be index by search engines earlier. Then the content of your project will be assess as a duplicate and sent to the blacklist for low originality.

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