Home » News » Purchased leads also almost always have the following disadvantages

Purchased leads also almost always have the following disadvantages

In telemarketing, the use of purchased leads is also conceivable in certain cases: If you have a very narrowly defined target group that can be optimally reached via one of the sources mentioned and you want to work intensively with them in cold calling, this can be an option.

In the online marketing sector – by far the most important marketing focus today – things look quite different.

Purchased leads – assuming peru whatsapp data serious work – are not really usable in online marketing these days.

This would require working with cold calling or following disadvantages outreach emails, which is not allowed in the B2C sector (or at most in very specific cases) and is also frowned upon in the B2B sector. Not to mention the other disadvantages.

What are the disadvantages of purchased leads?

Of course, you can’t tar all purchased develop creative advertising materials leads with the same brush. For example, the trade fair visitor data for a specific trade following disadvantages fair that has just taken place is probably up-to-date and topic-specific. However, this is often not the case with data from address publishers, for example. Here, material that is years old is often used.

Limited usability: As previously gambler data described, purchased leads can only be used to a very limited extent – ​​if at all – for online or email marketing. Some providers also following disadvantages limit the use of addresses in terms of time or frequency.

Data protection issues: When buying leads, you. I therefor must of course always rely on the provider’s statements regarding the. I therefor following disadvantages usability of the address data. In this respect, you are often in a grey area or, in times of. I therefor stricter GDPR laws, even operating illegally – especially online.

Cold leads: A major disadvantage of all purchased leads is that they are more or less “cold”. This means that they have most likely not had any real contact with the company so far. They therefore have no connection to the brand.

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