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Get a discount code after registration

The online store we made has the function of combining PopUp and form, so customers can get discount codes after registration. You can also set the function of automatically adding discount codes when members make their first purchase.

The website we creat also automatically

Sends follow-up emails to customers who have abandon their shopping carts, asking them to return to the website to complete the checkout. Many online store novices will suffer losses because they ignore some hidden costs. Therefore, today we will share what hidden costs you must know when operating an online store.

Newbies will have a common problem:

once the website is built, business will come naturally, but in fact, the test begins after the website is built. Subsequent advertising fees, transportation fees, management fees and taxes all cost money. An online store is your physical store on the skype database Internet The message we have been conveying to you is that online stores are physical stores on the Internet.


special data


They all ne stores, decoration and regular maintenance

Our web development team is your builder. So today I will use the concept of buying a store to let you know what other costs you ne to include in your vulnerable artificial intelligence plan for opening a store. After buying a store, there will still be other expenses that ne to be paid attention to and prepar. Now we will show you: 1. Hosting – Equivalent to the location of an online store What is Hosting?

Hosting is actually the location of your online store

You ne to pay a fee every year to renew the use of Hosting. If you don’t renew, Internet users will not be able to access your online store. Below we will explain two common solutions on the market: If you are using a non-platform to develop an online store system Non-platform online stores refer to highly customiz online store systems develop by our web development team. You will ne to buy a hosting to build your online store. After we buy the store, we tg data ne to pay the builder the management fee of the store site every year.

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