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How much do you need to make on Amazon as a business to make it profitable?

Last year we have invoiced more than 300,000 euros with a recent Amazon account. It is not new but it has not been around for a long time either. It is the third year. To give you a quick answer here, this turnover has not been enough.

Amazon’s one-man business

Let’s say you do everything poland whatsapp number data yourself. Shipping, a lot of accounting, purchasing, and you’re not Pan-Eu, you have a light cost structure. Even so, you’ll continually need liquidity to make the sales ball bigger. In this case, with an annual turnover of 350,000-400,000, you could live off Amazon. Not a lot, but just right. Everything depends, as always, on your real costs and the margin of your product. If you have an above-average ROI and margin (say a margin > 30% and an ROI > 100%) then you’ll live less just, but it shouldn’t be crazy either.

WhatsApp Data

The business with structure

Our business is a little different because is vpn legal to use? 6 important things you need to know our ambitions are different too. To break even we need to have a turnover of 75,000-80,000 euros per month. These are not small figures, at least for us. All in all, with two accounts and companies we are now at 110,000 euros.

We have two gambler data warehouses, two offices, staff, managers, Pan-Eu, own brands, etc. The positive part is that we are now at an optimal cost point. We have what we need to continue growing. In fact, we are already doubling the turnover of the previous year. These are good figures but still small for e-commerce. You have to move a lot of product for this to make sense.

For this business to be profitable for us

We must significantly exceed a turnover of 1,000,000 euros this year. These are the minimum figures we are considering for this year. Depending on the access to financing we can have this year, we can even opt for much higher figures.

I feel stronger. What I still have trouble getting used to is “losing” those 30 minutes a day that I now have when I take a break. Before, I worked practically non-stop from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

It seems I’ve been a bit more long winded today than usual. This type of post will help me look back in a couple of years to review the routines I had at the time and why. These are things that would otherwise be forgotten. Not anymore.

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