During June and the first articles of July, we got to know the basics of content marketing. You learned that content marketing is all about thorough planning of processes . The result and at the same time the heart or engine of content marketing is a content strategy . We also recently advised you how you should proceed when building a content team and what to look out for when choosing its basic component – authors . But what next?
unconditional compliance with deadlines
The content strategy stands on solid foundations , the turkey whatsapp number data whole team is impatiently waiting for the colossus of content marketing to start moving. Your task now is to prepare such an environment that meets the conditions for successful content marketing. What are they like?
a simple check of the work done
easy coordination and management of activities
All these things are accomplished by the ingenious method of GTD (get things done). It is a globally recognized and widespread system for coordi pillar pages and topic clusters nating work tasks and activities. For content marketing, it is the ideal solution for all task management requirements. Thanks to GTD, you will be able to bring order and order to the processes.
What is GTD?
The GTD method is a work organization system based on a simple principle. Its goal is to reduce stress from unmanaged or future tasks and thus increase your work capacity for current tasks. By what means does it achieve this? Effective task management. The main points of t shopping data he GTD or ZTD method are:
Gathering Information
Information sorting
The work itself – performing tasks
How to proceed when implementing GTD in content marketing activities?
In content marketing, the coordination of processes and collaborators is important , which is why at Včeliště.cz we use several proven systems for easy and effective task management.
The first one is Evernote . Ideas can strike you at any time during the day, and in content marketing (and in other activities) it’s good to capture these ideas. We use Evernote successfully for these purposes. Wherever and whenever we write down ideas and interesting notes in it. Ideas for new articles, interesting strategies or inspiration from elsewhere. We work with these ideas regularly (e.g. once a week). The ideal time for processing is after a longer period of time – when the idea has so-called “bed down”. Once a week (I usually on Sunday) I go through these ideas and start processing them. I will delete those that no longer look good to me, and those that are worth implementing I will discuss with a colleague and then create tasks from them. What other tools can you use to “capture” ideas?