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How to change eye color in photoshop

A quick way to change eye color in Photoshop.
There are times when you just need to change your eye color in Photoshop. Sometimes you just wonder how you would look with a different eye color. Or maybe you want to buy colored lenses, but you are not sure which color to choose. Or you just want to edit a photo in a certain style.

Today you will learn how to change eye color in Photoshop

So, we duplicate the main background with the image.
how to change eye color in photoshop
Take the Lasso tool and select the area of ​​the image whose color we will change.
how to change eye color in photoshop
Then we need to add a mask to our selection. Hold down the Alt key and click on the icon in the lower right corner of Photoshop.
how to change eye color in photoshop
Then create a new adjustment layer “Hue/Saturation” (a half-filled circle in the lower right menu of the program)
how to change eye color in photoshop
You will get a layer like this. It should be placed between the main layer with the image and the top layer with the selection mask.
And now we change the saturation denmark phone number library and color as you wish.
how to change eye color in photoshop
If anyone found the explanation difficult, I suggest watching the same lesson on video.
How to change eye color in photoshop. Video.Let me remind you once again that optics are much more important than the camera itself.

Professional cameras – what is it? A camera is called a professional camera not because it takes better or more beautiful pictures, but because they are more reliable! Shockproof, moisture and dustproof, and high speed of continuous shooting!

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These criteria are very important for professional photographers

Full-frame cameras are very expensive, and we will not consider them in this article. If you do not know what a full frame is, then you do not need it

Let’s say you took the brand. But there there are many technologies are a lot of camera models, if you go to, for example,Yandex Market. What to do if the choice of models is huge. We go to the manufacturer’s website. There the choice is much india data smaller, because some models have already been discontinued. So we reduce our choice from 20-30 models to 8-9 pieces.

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