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How to harness the power of Instagram in Email Marketing?

Juan Pablo Vittori
Juan Pablo Vittori
Freelance Online Marketing Writer and Consultant. First-time father with a keen interest in music and railroads.

Wrote 30 posts


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Instagram in email marketing

Have you heard of Instagram ? The social network of the moment is revolutionizing the way we share photos and videos, opening a new door for companies to promote their products and services . Have you already used it to boost your Email Marketing campaign ? In the following post we will tell you how. Keep reading!

Smartphones have made it easy to take and share photos on the web, but Instagram has gone one step further, giving its users the ability to add a distinctive touch to their images . Through the different filters it offers, it allows an ordinary photo to have the pote cnb directory ntial to become a shot with much more visual appeal , thus boosting its virality .

Instagram as a Marketing Tool

In our previous post , we shared a very interesting infographic that reflected the  globig’s weekly world wrap growth of this social network in recent times . For example, some key data about Instagram are:

It has a daily average of 7.3 million active users .
40% of the brands analyzed have already incorporated Instagram into their online marketing strategy.
20% of the brands analyzed had more than 10,000 followers on their profiles.
In 2013, that growth only increased, according to a report recently published by Olapic :

55 million photos are shared every day .
Instagram has a total of 32 million users , being the social network with the highest percentage of growth in recent times.
The level of engagement of its users is 15 times higher than on Facebook.
Instagram + Email Marketing
After reading the surprising statistics about Instagram , you have enough reasons for your brand to start having a presence on this social network. If, on the other hand, you are already present on Instagram, what are you waiting for to take advantage of its power and boost your Email Marketing campaigns ?

Note that Instagram, unlike Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or LinkedIn, is designed to be used on mobile devices , through an application available for iOS and Android. Although it can be accessed through the web, in this case there is no possibility of sharing photos from there.



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