In 2022, the total number of Microsoft vulnerabilities rose to 1,292, reaching an all-time high since BeyondTrust began reporting 10 years ago.
Microsoft product vulnerabilities are grouped into the following categories:
Remote code execution
Elevation of privileges;
Override security features;
Disclosure of information;
Denial of service;
Identity theft.
Privilege escalation was once indonesia whatsapp number data again the top vulnerability category in 2022.
According to the results of the Microsoft Vulnerability Report 2023 , prepared by BeyondTrust .
In 2022, the total number of Microsoft vulnerabilities rose to 1,292, reaching an all-time high since the report began 10 years ago.
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Highlights and key findings:
Elevation of privilege is the #1 vulnerability category for the third year in a row, accounting for 55% (715) of total Microsoft vulnerabilities in 2022.
Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365 generate the largest financial gains for Microsoft, as well as the largest gain in number of vulnerabilities.
In 2022, 6.9% of Microsoft vulnerabilities were classified as “critical,” while in 2013, critical vulnerabilities accounted for 44% of the total.
Azure and Dynamics 365 vulnerabilities skyrocketed by 159%, from 44 in 2021 to 114 in 2022.
Microsoft Edge experienced producing very long videos 311 vulnerabilities last year, but none were critical.
There were 513 Windows vulnerabilities , 49 of which were critical.
Microsoft Office experienced a five-year low with just 36 vulnerabilities.
Windows Server vulnerabilities increased slightly to 552.
“Microsoft has a high volume of vulnerabilities that we have seen increase over the last 10 years of our research,” said James Maude , Principal Security Researcher at BeyondTrust.
The report highlights the importance of timely patching along with removing excessive administrative rights to mitigate risks.
Back to basics
If there is one thing that stands out from the past 10 years of vulnerabilities, it is the cmo email list fact that the fundamental ways to mitigate those risks have remained constant for more than a decade.