Home » Company Blog: What It Is, Why It’s Important, and How to Create It

Company Blog: What It Is, Why It’s Important, and How to Create It

The company blog, also known as corporate blog , business blog, brand blog or company blog, represents a fundamental marketing tool for building lasting relationships with the target audience .

It is not a simple aggregator of corporate news ,  Important, and How to Create It but a well-curated and well-architected space, where you can publish useful and interesting content in line with your market niche. Forget the corporate blog as the web space where you publish your press releases!

The corporate blog is a communication tool used by companies to gain visibility online. Unlike the institutional website, the blog allows you to establish a more informal and direct relationship with your target audience . To work, the corporate blog must be a live and dynamic platform that brings various advantages to the company.

What is the difference between a personal blog and a business blog?

They are two different types of blogs.

The term blog comes from the English web-log , literally “network diary” or “electronic diary”. In the late 90s, blogs were simply lists of links related to a certain topic commented by the author of the web-log . Structured in this way, blogs were mostly precursors of modern search engines.

The personal blog is born from the passion and desire to write of its author. The corporate blog is used to increase the visibility of the company or your profession. The communication objectives of the corporate blog and the personal blog are different. It goes without saying that the contents of the corporate blog posts are different. In a personal blog, the writer can range over infinite topics of discussion. Up to addressing private and personal  phone number database life issues . This does NOT happen in the corporate blog, which has the sole purpose of telling what the company does for those who request a service or search for a product on the market.

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Why Start a Company Blog?

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Most of the needs expressed by the  is artificial intelligence the future of marketing? public on Google are of an informational nature . They want to know everything about specific topics, themes, facts to get to the resolution of their problem more quickly. The company blog is the perfect tool to fulfill this task.

1. Brand awareness and positioning: make a dent in your customers’ hearts
Imagine having a virtual living room where you can chat with your ideal clients , offering them advice and useful information. A company blog is just that: a space to build lasting relationships with your audience, showing you as a reliable expert in your sector. The more interesting and valuable your content is, the more people will listen to you, talk about you and trust your brand. And when they are ready to buy, guess who they will think of?

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2. Acquire new customers from the web


Do you know how many people search online for information about products or services like yours every day? A corporate blog optimized for search engines allows you to intercept these searches and attract traffic to your website. Imagine casting the hook with irresistible bait: informative articles, complete guides, captivating videos. The corporate blog is an essential channel for lead generation: transforming readers of your articles into potential customers. A system that allows you to easily obtain an email or contact, through the forms at the end of articles or within the body of the text. So you can carry out re-marketing and DEM campaigns on these contacts.

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3. Build customer loyalty

Loyal customers are a precious treasure. The company blog allows you to pamper them and make them feel special, offering them exclusive content that keeps their interest in your business high. Managing a company blog not only ws database  allows you to acquire new customers, but also to retain returning users (and customers). You probably already know that making a new sale starting from a customer you have already converted has a 60/70% probability of success . While converting a new prospect into a customer has an average probability of 5/20% . This is why the company blog fits perfectly into a truly effective and profitable marketing strategy.

4 Feeding Your Niche With Content Marketing
Creating valuable content, articles and information that interest customers and lead them to discover your new services and products creates a virtuous circle within your company blog. Are people hesitating about which product to buy? Your company blog can become their compass! By publishing authoritative content and unbiased reviews, you can influence their purchasing decisions and position yourself as an opinion leader in your industry.

Gaining your customers’ trust is achieved through content that presents you as a high-quality, available and competent company.


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