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Independent travel

Some people want to travel independently, but they don’t dare. For others, it’s easier to pay a tour operator once and not think about anything else.
Of course, if your goal is to lie on a sun lounger for a week, sipping cool drinks, then you should definitely go straight to a travel agency. But more and more people are going on independent trips.

How I view independent travel and tours

Independent travel is cheaper because there are no intermediaries in the form of a travel agency or tour operator. For this you need a bank card and the Internet. You can pay for a hotel and air tickets with a bank card without leaving your home. Visa and MasterCard rule.

The flight is usually chartered. Often the planes are not new and the comfort leaves much to be desired. You usually find out the departure time of the charter flight a day before departure.

You set the dates of your independent travel yourself. Transfers in the host country can take a lot of time.

Tour – hotel, beach, a couple of excursions to “trampled” places. Traveling independently, you can see the country in a different light. Look deeper than ordinary tourists. See the country as locals see it. Visit not those places that are planned by the tour program, but what is interesting to you. In a word – freedom!

Many people think that it is difficult to get a ecuador phone number library visa on your own, especially if you do not live in Moscow. In fact, consulates of some countries issue visas online, you can also apply for a visa through a travel agency or submit a visa through a courier service. Even if you are afraid of problems associated with visa processing. Then I hasten to remind you that there are more than a hundred countries in the world with visa-free or simplified entry.

phone number library

Traveling independently is easy

As for me, I am against package tours.

Many people ask me the question: “Isn’t it scary to travel alone, without a package tour?!”
No, it’s not scary, but why your website may very exciting!
2. Are you afraid of getting lost? Learn to read a map and take it with you. Write down the address of the hotel or the place where you need to return. And if everything is india data really bad with the landmark, then you can buy and use a GPS navigator on your phone.

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