Incorporating Lead Nurturing into your digital strategy will help you in many ways: converting potential customers, detecting new business opportunities, obtaining more information about your users, etc. To do it in the best possible way, follow these tips:
Email marketing for startupsBe relevant or your leads will stop paying attention to you. Offer them immiate value.
Don’t offer promotions , it’s not what your leads are looking for at the beginning of the buying cycle.
Make your emails viewable from different devices.
Ask and confirm your interlocutor’s permission to stay in touch.
Offer them more and more value
6. Content and promotion on social networks
Social networks are the order of the day and their importance is increasing.
6.1. Set up RRSS
When starting your social mia strategy, should you dentist database choose all of them? No, it is not necessary. To know which social networks to position yourself on, you must do a study of your buyer personas and, where they are, is where you should be.
6.2. Organic content
Organic content is becoming increasingly important on social mia. It is content that will help you establish relationships with your leads and maintain your brand presence on social mia. In order for i rotated through database and information your organic posts to fulfill their purpose of maintaining conversations with your followers, the posts you make must encourage this. Use questions that can be answer, publish a new product and ask your followers for their opinion, create games, etc.
6.3. Snack content
Snack content is content that is specifically design for social mia and digital alb directory mia and whose main objective is to be easily consum and shar. It always has some common characteristics: it is brief, creative, visual and supports different formats such as videos, images, quotes, gifs, infographics, etc. Of all the above, the styles that prominate are images and videos. The former get 94% more visits according to a study carri out by MDG Advertising, while posts with video are shar 3 times more than those that only contain text.