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LinkedIn Management Tools

The analysis and monitoring tool built into the LinkIn platform itself. It is completely free, although only available for business profiles.

LinkIn Analytics focuses on the most interesting metrics relat to visitors, followers, reactions and team performance.

Tools for LinkIn – Metricool

The metrics provid by Metricool are functional, detail and relevant. In addition to traditional LinkIn analytics, it allows you to focus on the growth of your network of contacts.

It also provides data unification and comparison generation facilities, so you can monitor the evolution of your campaigns on different social networks.

15. Agorapulse

Monitoring is one of Agorapulse ‘s strong features , thanks to its tracking and reporting features.

Sure, it also offers the ability to automate many tasks shareholder database on LinkIn, but getting real-time data and customizing KPIs for reporting puts it on another level.


Let’s see how to manage our Linkin using these tools:


Crystal ‘s analytics features are focus on detecting personality yoast plugin should suggest optimizations patterns in your LinkIn contacts, allowing you to personalize communications bas on their interests, tone of communication, or style preferences.

17. Rapportive
Given the professional focus of this social network, Rapportive allows you to find and manage a contact’s information by associating their Gmail email address with their LinkIn profile.

This way, it is possible to make a detail comparison of the data, interests, contacts and professional experiences record in your profile.



Registration in the Visual CV application is done data on directly with your LinkIn account. So it uses the information available in your profile to quickly create a CV. It includes templates, printing formats and options to send the document by email.

In addition to managing multiple versions of your resume and setting up tracking options, you will know when it was open and who the interest employer is.


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