Median base salary annual salary of these people including engineering directors and managers who repair . Vehicles at tesla service centers ranged from about to and according to nine current and . Former employees teslas compensation structure has remained basically unchanged since december in other words although . The above data looks old tesla is still continuing these compensation plans however we may . Not be able to intuitively feel teslas low base salary by only looking at the . Internal situation dont worry business insider also used data from the securities and exchange commission .
To Compare Teslas Base Salary With Traditional
To compare teslas base salary with traditional automakers and the six largest technology companies by . Market value it can be seen that except for amazon tesla is lagging behind and . We know that companies like amazon and apple also singapore email list have a large warehouse workforce and . Retail workforce which also affect the companys average salary therefore a basic situation emerges teslas . Base salary is generally lower than that of its competitors so the next question is . Why are employees willing to accept a low base salary the biggest reason is still .
The Stock Nine Current and Former Engineers
The stock nine current and former engineers and sales staff said that teslas stock grant . Plan makes it easier for them to accept a lower base without it, there will be a high risk salary it is reported . That teslas stock price has soared more than in the past five years and this . Year although teslas stock price has experienced significant fluctuations falling to of the price at . The beginning of the year in midapril tesla has reaped significant benefits after trumps successful . Campaign and its stock price has risen by nearly so far so how many employees .
Can Enjoy Teslas Stock Rewards According to
Can enjoy teslas stock rewards according to internal documents local american employees received stocks worth . More than million in and in order to understand bzb directory which employees are more likely to . Receive stock rewards business insider split the stock rewards according to job category the results . Showed that most engineers received stock rewards of more than dollars the value of the . Stock is based on the stock price at the time of grant but it will . Change according to the movement of teslas stock price however it should be noted that .