Home » People’s behaviors have changed significantly:

People’s behaviors have changed significantly:


It is not enough for the new consumer to know the characteristics of your products or services; what they want is for you to offer them experiences .
They want more , they need less. The key is to generate stimuli.
They do not seek to satisfy their needs, but rather to have companies telegram database users list  exceed their expectations . Due to the enormous amount of options that the market offers them, they have higher standards of satisfaction and comparison.
They are the sovereigns of the recommendation. Nowadays, the consumer is the owner of the online reputation of your brand , and it is the customers themselves who generate the prestige through their reviews and recommendations.

More than 85% of the public trusts

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A third-party recommendations when making a purchase, and less than 15% believes in brand advertising .

This is a strong indicator that you should pay more attention to what people say about your brand on Google or Social Media than to what your company says about itself, because what allows your prospects to decide whether to buy from one company or another will be the opinion of their peers .

So what is the situation right now? A kind of digital global warming is brewing. The social environment has gone through various stages in which important changes have occurred in the way we communicate and relate to each other:

Stage 1.0 : The focus is on the product

The World Wide Web appears , it is an environment without interaction with the consumer.
Stage 2.0 : First interactions with the consumer to build loyalty. People start listening to the public and co-create content.
Stage 3.0 : The main thing is the brand values. Emphasize promoting them, encouraging env usa data ironmental care, social inclusion and getting involved with causes that show social commitment. To build their good reputation, they must play more active roles than consumers themselves demand.
Stage 4.0 : The key is prediction. Today, brands have easy access to significant volumes of data generated from various platforms. By analyzing them, we can generate information for decision-making and predict demand by und analysis and monitoring tools erstanding consumer behavior on the Web.

According to Andrés Silva Arancibia , companies that are able to predict are the ones that ultimately manage to lead the market . Therefore, if you want your brand to be one of them, it is essential that you analyze Big Data and Market Research . In addition, always try to listen to your audience and generate interaction.


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