Home » Research: The Most Effective Automated Marketing Tool for the Beauty Industry

Research: The Most Effective Automated Marketing Tool for the Beauty Industry

Our account managers are often asked if we have a “magic pill for sales” — a universal tool for increasing the conversion of any store. And we answer that we don’t. Experience tells us that everything is individual and for high conversion you need to constantly test new mechanics. But our clients are still interested in what works best for others. We decided to try to find common trends for different areas of business and find out which of our tools bring the most revenue to companies.

This study was conducted


based on data from clients in the beauty industry. In our case, online stores of skincare and decorative cosmetics. For the study, we chose the most popular tools — must-haves of automated marketing — mass mailings, trigger chains and product recommendations. The results surprised us, although it would seem…

Product recommendations
Here we are talking about the tool in its pure form — recommendation india mobile number data blocks on the pages of the site.

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Those who use product recommendations connect an average of 10 blocks on each site. All blocks are customizable, that is, designed in the style of the site. Although this is additional work for the designer, we have not found a single client from the beauty industry who would leave them in their default form.

Product recommendations bring the beauty business an average of 2% of total revenue and 10.5% of all REES46 tools used in the company.

Bulk mailings

On average, our clients send 9 mass mailings per month – from 1 to 19. This figure varies depending on the season and the number of promotions. All letters are designed in the corporate style of the clients – customized. At the same time, 67% of clients use an additional tool in their mailings – product recommendations.

Bulk mailings bring the beauty industry an average of 9% of total revenue what cookies does your site use and 61% of all REES46 tools used in the company.

Trigger chains
On average, our clients from the beauty industry have 9 trigger chains installed.

Top 5 most frequently used triggers:

67% use a second channel for sending trigger chains in addition to email — web push. 100% of letters powder data in trigger chains are made in a corporate design. Absolutely all clients use product recommendations inside letters.

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