Today’s article is mainly for more advanced WordPress users , who for certain reasons (I will describe some of them) need to send emails from WordPress via my own SMTP server.
The main reason is to improve email deliverability. Maybe it happens that e-mails from your website end up in spam. You can therefore use your SMTP details to send emails you have from your web hosting or email service provider. You can also use special services such as Postmark or Sendgrid, which will provide you with data for sending via their SMTP servers.
In WordPress, it is not natively possible to set an SMTP server for sending within the settings, so we can use the help offered by a relatively simple plugin called Easy WP SMTP.
Download, install and activate the plugin. Subsequently, we can start with the setting itself.
Plugin settings
In the left menu of the administration, open the item Settings -> Easy WP SMTP. This will take you to the plugin settings, which are very simple and excellently described in Czech.
Despite that, I will go through some important setup points with you. Of course, you fill in everything according to your SMTP data.
From email address – Please provide a correct
Email address within the scope of correct delivery.
From – I recommend turning on the “Force Replace From” option as well, which makes it easy to set which sender name will be displayed to email recipients.
E-mail address for reply – this is the so-called Reply-to header. This allows you to set people to reply to the email entered in this item when they click the Reply button in their email client.
Next is the setting of SMTP data, including encryption, port, and name and password authentication. Fill everything according to the data available to you.
For example, my setup looks like this:
In the top bar, we can now switch to the “Additional settings” tab. Here are options that are mostly only suitable for app developers. It is worth noting, for example, the Activate domain check option , which is useful if you are running a website on a local test version or a stage server.
The debug log can be used if you want to find out why some emails are being lost or not being sent.
Functionality testing
Save the settings and select Test Email in the top bar .
Fill in your e-mail address to which you want to deliver south africa phone number data the test message. Choose a subject and text and confirm everything with the Send test email button.
In case of incorrect settings, you will learn where exactly the error occurred (for example, wrong server, password, port or encryption).
If everything is set correctly, you will see a green what are the advantages of video marketing? message indicating that the e-mail was sent without any problems.
If the message really arrives in your e-mail inbox, then by lists you can take everything as solved and correctly set. All outgoing e-mails from WordPress will go (if you have the plugin active) via the selected SMTP server.