Juan Pablo Vittori
Juan Pablo Vittori
Freelance Online Marketing Writer and Consultant. First-time father with a keen interest in music and railroads.
Wrote 30 posts
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This year is a challenging year for your website when it comes to SEO positioning , as Google has once again implemented a series of updates to its algorithm and the quality criteria that govern search results rankings.
If you want to stay on top and not
A lose positions, we advise you to read carefully all the tips we give you in the following post. Don’t miss it!
Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird: Rebellion on Google Farm
For much of 2012 and 2013 we saw updates and changes of all kinds impleme cnb directory nted by Google. Like never before, the internet giant rose up in defense of the quality of content and links , rewarding the best and punishing the worst.
These changes affected website rankings and forced online ma how-to reduce risk: lean global expansion is often the wisest approach rketing professionals to review the practices they had been using to reach the top positions in search results.
The main changes implemented by Google, despite the stir they caused, were named after three cute little animals . Let’s review them and their main features :
Google Panda
Google Panda updates focus on the quality of website design and content. A primarily penalizing the rankings of specific pages on sites with poor design, duplicate content, and excessive advertising .
Google Penguin
Following its new quality criteria, in this other series of updates to its algorithm. Google has punished the rankings of those websites that either carried out questionable practices to generate links to their site, or had links pointing to it from low-quality sites .