Home » News » Generating your own leads in this way has several advantages

Generating your own leads in this way has several advantages

Permission-based marketing: Inbound marketing is also called “pull marketing” because you attract leads with good content and several advantages thereby obtain their consent to communicate directly.

Relevance and focus: The offer is definitely relevant for the leads acquired through inbound marketing, which creates a strong focus on the right target group several advantages and virtually eliminates wastage.

Warm leads: Leads that you acquire senegal whatsapp data yourself have already had contact with the company and have been able to gain an impression several advantages of its expertise. This has created a direct connection and built up initial trust. This paves the way for the next steps on the buyer’s journey.

Opinion leadership: The good and solution-oriente content or the service that you offer in return for the contact details not only generates new leads, but also strengthens your reputation and ensures that you are perceive as an opinion leader.

Independence: If you generate monitoring and evaluation of results leads yourself, you have complete control over the acquisition of new contacts – and ultimately customers.

As long as several advantages the leads do not. I therefor withdraw their consent to be contacte, you can stay in dialogue with them as often as you like.

Higher conversion rates: The factors gambler data mentioned above mean. I therefor that self-generate leads can be develope much more effectively along the buyer’s journey to purchase.

This means you can concentrate on a truly. I therefor several advantages interested target group for whom what you are offering is highly relevant.


Buying leads can make sense in certain cases. However, you have to be aware that they may not be usable in the extremely important field of online. I therefor marketing and that you are almost always buying into significant disadvantages.

As an alternative several advantages or at least as a sensible addition, especially. I therefor in the B2B sector, generating leads with inbound marketing should be use. This creates a long-term system that works and constantly provides your own supply for sales and customer acquisition.

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