The IFT gave the operator its new concession titles and specifi that these will not allow it to offer additional services such as television.
The Plenary Session of the Feral Telecommunications Institute (IFT) unanimously resolv the conditions to which Telmex and its subsidiary Teléfonos del Noroeste (Telnor) must adhere .
With the renewal of its concession titles for 30 years and stress that it will not be able to increase its service offering .
Because it is position as a leading economic player in telecommunications.
In the 2016 Resolution
the Plenary of the IFT, the statement said, it was establish that the conditions of both concessions would be notifi in the first quarter of 2023.
In addition to extending the validity of the concessions for a period of 30 years.
Starting March 11, 2026 for Telmex and May 27, 2026 for Telnor.
The notes state that the titles update the conditions already establish, taking into account the market context, the current legislative and regulatory framework, and the economic and social reality of the country.
Among the conditions to japan whatsapp number data which the operator must adhere, the following stand out:
Obligations relat to Service and Universal Coverage.
In order to ensure that the largest possible population has access to communication services.
They must meet the criteria and elements of the Universal Coverage programs bas on the new regulatory conditions and technological availability.
He stress that in accordance
with the 2016 Resolution, the new concession titles do not imply the granting of authorization to offer additional services to those currently in force.
Because they are part of the Preponderant Economic Agent in the telecommunications sector, the regulatory body point out.
“Both Telmex and Telnor will have to continue to comply with the provisions of the asymmetric regulation, as well as with other legal provisions to which they are subject . ”
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