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The address from which

Enter “ping” + space + site domain in the command line, in our case “ruweb.net” and press Enter.  The response will come is the address of the site on the network. Enter the found IP in Whois and wait for the response to appear. The name of the hosting company will appear in the information help.

Using the dig utility This method is suitable for Linux

OS users, as it will use the dig utility built into the system Console. The user’s actions algorithm: in the Console, a command of the form dig site chinese canada com nx is specifi , where the desir domain is substitut for site.com; The response contains the name of the DNS server; Website hosting is determin by the domain name. Find out website hosting by domain This method, like the first one, uses the Whois service.

special data

It is less accurate in its results

If you enter the site’s domain name into the service, the domain registrar will appear in the help. The problem is that not all domain names importance of context in data interpretation are. Issu by the same hoster from whom the server equipment is rent . The method will be effective if both services are obviously order from one place, for example, if the hoster takes a small fee for hosting and provides bonuses for domain renewal.

Finding a hoster via MX record You can find out about

The hosting provider via the MX record, or the mail server us by the site. To do this, open any DNS check service and follow the instructions: we bulk lead indicate the website address – ruweb.net; we mark the MX record type; click “Search” and wait until the service provides a list of email addresses; copy the mail server address without “10:” at the beginning and without “.” at the end; paste the select information into the search bar; select the entry type.

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