Home » The value of painful feedback

The value of painful feedback

I’ve said it on more than one occasion. Being 44 is a good thing. It gives you a confidence and self-esteem that you didn’t have at 24, and in my case, not even at 34. Stress tolerance is another matter. Right now I’m on a project with a client where. I work directly with four managers from four companies that are part of the same group.

Yesterday I had one more of those tense meetings

Where you have to prepare down switzerland whatsapp number data to the last detail because you get critical questions and you mustn’t give the impression that you’re not up to the task. After another 90-minute meeting, I leave the meeting, go home and tell my wife that I’m happy with how it went. Normally (or so I like to think) you can’t make that many mistakes. I’ve received several questions and I’ve been able to answer them all without showing any insecurity.

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An hour into my home

I receive a call from my main contact, who is best for small and meium stores a member of the four managers’ group. She asks me if I can handle the project based on two or three comments I made in the meeting. The call with her lasts almost an hour.

I come out of there and I have received constructive feedback. Yes, it is painful, but it allows me to adjust.

I have a client who

I have treated as an equal, but I now gambler data realise that he wants to be treated as a worker. He doesn’t want you to tell him that not everything is 100% safe in a project because there are always things that are solved when you start walking. He is a client who wants to go around in circles and has been in this situation for more than 2 years now.

I am also angry because my sincerity has been interpreted as a lack of experience and incompetence. I went to bed and woke up today wanting to prove him wrong. It is a challenging project but I am up to it.

Lying to clients and hiding the truth from

Them cannot be another conclusion, even though the feedback implies it. I refuse to be like that in order to have better feedback and more success in projects (even though my mother says otherwise…).

Another thing I have certainly done wrong is that I have sacrificed the basics to focus on the essentials.

Now, looking back, would you have done things differently?

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