The number of influencers is increasing day by day. Although at first the most prominent influencers were those dedicated to fashion, today there are many types of influencers: sports, healthy food, etc. We recommend that you investigate who the influencers are that can help you in your sector and that you take them into account for your strategy. The director of Adidas says that 70% of brand engagement comes from work done with influencers . They can help you in many ways: for the launch of a new product or service, providing the initial push you need, for events, to promote a brand action, etc.
Although user-generated content has been around for a long time, it has only recently been used as a complement to content strategies. It is an increasingly valued option as it has advantages such as:
Greater credibility and impact
Boost engagement
It does not require a job seekers database financial investment
Help create a community
influencer marketing for startups
But if it’s not up to you
How can you take advantage of it? It’s easy; just publicize the content they make about your company: give as much visibility as possible to the photos and videos of analysis of your products, share the positive that’s really wrong herman says reviews they give about your product on your social networks and always respond to them (also respond to the negative ones), choose brand ambassadors, etc. All this will positively help the image that people have of your brand.
7. Paid Promotion
7.1. Google
To carry out your online advertising strategies, Google has two ways
Google Display: This is the largest advertising network alb directory on the Internet. This type of advertising is found in text or graphic form on websites. These ads reach more than 80% of Internet users worldwide, in more than 30 languages in 100 countries. Before embarking on a Display campaign, you should consider how much you want to spend, the number of ads you want to promote, what category of product or service you want to offer, and what keywords to use.