As we said, unbound marketing consists of four stages and each one has specific objectives. See what they are below, in the next topics!
1st stage: Outbound as a stimulus
For the customer to do their first search, there nes to be a stimulus, after all, if they have never heard of your brand or your products, they will not look for any information.
The best way to trigger this is, without a doubt, social mia
After all, they are the main channel for discovering new products or services.
Here, using paid mia focus on reach is essential to reach the largest number of users and put your brand on the public’s radar, sparking their interest.
The cycle does not begin greece email list with a search, as many people claim today. Before reaching your audience organically, the brand nes to be on the customer’s radar. They do not yet ne to know the brand or products in depth; they just ne to know that they exist.
2nd stage: Inbound Marketing at the Zero Moment of Truth
After this first contact, the stimulus has already occurr. Then, the potential customer carries out the first searches and begins to discover more websites, blogs and content relat to the topic. At this stage, inbound marketing strategies are us to encourage the discovery of your brand, products or services.
To achieve this, the entire inbound
Sructure must be correctly prepar, whether it be rich content, SEO (search engine optimization) strategies, landing pages, marketing automation, email marketing content, etc.
Another critical success 17 ways to effectively get a visitor’s email factor is that marketing segmentation is correct and target to the brand’s personas, otherwise your chances of success will be ruc to mere chance or luck in reaching an interest person.
3rd stage: Inbound afb directory and Outbound Marketing at the First Moment of Truth
At this point, the brand has already establish a closer relationship with its leads, requiring that mid-funnel content be working consistently and continuously.