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Why create content that no one is looking for

When you start blogging, you do so with the intuition that you carry within you. The more you learn about how to optimize your blog, the more and more writing becomes technical and cold: you use the right keywords, you take care of the order of the words in the title used, you carefully place the internal and external links, etc. The result of all this knowledge is blogs perfectly optimized for search engines that forget that their readers are human. Here are my reasons for forgetting all this knowledge and creating content that no one is looking for.

Content that no one is looking for

You write for humans and not for machines: your readers are not stupid. Many will realize that the post you created is written for Google and not for them. What you will get is a unique visit with a high bounce rate. If you want to build loyalty with your audience, write for them and forget about what search engines like.

Maintain and take care of your own style: a blogger is an artist. If you want to have a successful blog one day, you have to develop your own style. It is important that readers can identify with you through your own expressions, your humor, your anecdotes, etc. Be as authentic as you can and reflect it in your blog. If you belarus phone number library think that your current style is bad and that there would be practically no difference, practice every day or as much as your schedule allows. Writing better is achieved through writing more.

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You can create

new topic of interest and position yourself as a reference: take advantage of the opportunity to create a new field or sit on an unexploited niche. Generating ideas for articles is not as difficult as you think. Dare to be different and not make blog the right place at webris number 1,343,222 about “How to make more money on the Internet.”

You will not have competition: being you, you have no competition because you are unique in this world. If you create content that nobody was aol email list looking for until then, you will rank well on Google so you will not have to worry too much about SEO.

You write for humans and not for machines: your readers are not stupid. Many will realize that the post you created is written for Google and not for them. What you will get is a unique visit with a high bounce rate. If you want to build loyalty with your audience, write for them and forget about what search engines like.

You don’t waste time on keyword research

My blog gets relatively little traffic from search engines because I don’t spend even 1 minute on keyword analysis. For me, the important thing is not so much to optimize to increase Google traffic. I prefer to use this time to create more content (I’d rather say this than be lazy  ). If you don’t have a personal blog strategy and your goal is purely commercial, a keyword analysis makes a lot of sense to maximize the visits to each article.

The result of all this knowledge is blogs perfectly optimized for search engines that forget that their readers are human. Here are my reasons for forgetting all this knowledge and creating content that no one is looking for.

I’m sure not everyone shares my point of view. What is your point of view on creating content that nobody searches for.

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