Verified in tens of thousands of actual data the average accuracy of personjob matching is . As high as while the cost of using large models has dropped by about bringing . A new revolution to the recruitment industry it allows every job seeker to find their . Ideal job more easily and every company to obtain the required talents more efficiently today . I am here to release the top industrial applications based on large models which cover . Many industries such as manufacturing energy transportation government affairs finance automobiles education and the internet .
Baidu Hopes to Work With More Partners
Baidu hopes to work with more partners and customers to promote the construction of the . Intelligent industry ecosystem and jointly mexico email list accelerate the implementation of the national artificial intelligence action plan . The release of these major industrial applications actually represents our cognition and attitude baidu is . Not going to launch a super application but to continuously help more people and more . Companies create millions of super useful applications today we do have the conditions to enable . People who cant understand a line of code to have the ability of programmers and .
The Ability to Turn Any Idea Into
The ability to turn any idea into reality quickly and at a low cost of . Course this requires tools and this tool is what I bring to you today one . More thing miaoda a software that can realize any idea without writing code a brandnew . Software how to find out what hosting a website is hosted on composed of large models and intelligent agents I think it is the most complex . Multiagent collaboration tool in human history so far which includes codefree programming multiagent collaboration and . Largescale calling of various tools note that miaoda is completely different from any auxiliary code .
Generation Tool Because It Does Not Require
Generation tool because it does not require you to understand the code at all so . Friends who are watching the live broadcast if you are a programmer bzb directory you can stop . Watching now this software is for nonprogrammers let me use an example to show you . The capabilities of miaoda suppose we want to hold a new technology conference for carrot . Run I need to build an event invitation system share the invitation with others and . Collect their ideas and feedback first I uploaded a file with the time place and .